"An endearing and fascinating perspective on a uniquely volatile and dangerous childhood."
-Kirkus Reviews

Janna Brooke Wallack

Janna Brooke Wallack’s short stories have appeared in literary publications such as Hobart, Upstreet, and American Literary Review. Her short story “Campaigning” was a finalist for the Lascaux Prize in Short Fiction. Naked Girl’s prologue, “Five Pictures,” was a finalist for Glimmer Train Press’s Short Story Award for New Writers, and her story “Cat and Rose” received a Pushcart nomination by The MacGuffin. She grew up in Miami Beach in the 1970’s and 80’s, a landscape and childhood that inspired her debut novel. She now resides in New York’s Hudson River Valley where she writes, works, and never gives up trying to lose ten pounds.

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Naked Girl


Janna Brooke Wallack






Growing up motherless in 1980’s Miami Beach, Sienna and her little brother Siddhartha get by with their charismatic and capricious father, Jackson Jones.

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Episode145 - Janna Brooke Wallack.

Janna is the author of Naked Girl, available everywhere you buy your books. The book is all of the feels, tragic, hilarious, looming, sensitive. Janna is the same in person. She can make you laugh as easily as she can sit you back down.

Janna Brooke Wallack

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